Troubleshooting Error Message Ancestry User is Authenticated

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The “Ancestry User is Authenticated” error is one of the most common problems that users of Family Tree Maker (FTM) face when trying to sync or log into their Ancestry account. Though this problem can briefly inconvenience your genealogy, this is usually easy to rectify using just a few troubleshooting steps, but knowing its causes will allow you to get right back into searching about your family history in little time.

Why does this Error Occur?

  1. Session Timeout: Expired login sessions or conflicts between FTM and Ancestry can lead to this error.
  2. Outdated FTM Version: Older versions of FTM may not fully integrate with Ancestry’s latest platform updates.
  3. Internet Issues: Unstable or slow internet can interfere with authentication processes.
  4. Account Changes: The error may be caused by resetting your password or modifications in your Ancestry account settings.

Steps to Resolve Error Message Ancestry User is Authenticated

  • 1. Log Out and Reauthenticate: Logout from your Ancestry account in FTM. Restart the software and log back in to refresh the session and remove authentication conflicts.
  • Update Family Tree Maker: Make sure your FTM is updated to the latest version. In the program, go to Help > Check for Updates to download any available patches or updates.
  • Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure that you have a good and stable internet connection. Reset your router or go to a more secure network if this will be necessary.
  • Reset Ancestry Credentials: If the problem still occurs, reset your Ancestry password. Once you update your password on the website, try logging in through FTM again.
  • Clear Browser Cache: If you use a browser with FTM, clear the cache and cookies of your browser. This will remove any session conflicts.
  • Contact Support: For unresolved problems, contact support from Family Tree Maker or Ancestry for further guidance.


An “Ancestry User is Authenticated” error may be an inconvenient experience, but fixing it is usually not difficult. Following these troubleshooting steps will solve the problem quickly and have you back to your genealogical research. Making sure you are updated on the latest versions of FTM and having reliable internet access will avoid a recurrence of this type of error in the future.

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