TreeVault Cloud Services FAQs

Family Tree Maker users can access their family heritage any time with TreeVault Cloud Services. This feature gives you a safe place to store and look at your current family tree information without requiring synchronization with Ancestry. Whether you need it for backup or as a means to look at your tree at any time, TreeVault Cloud Services is the way to go. Below are the most asked questions regarding this service.

1. What are TreeVault Cloud Services?

TreeVault Cloud Services is a mobile app with which users can access their most recent FTM tree anywhere, at any time. TreeVault Connect App provides convenient access to your family tree, although it does not enable changes to the tree itself.

2. How does TreeVault work?

TreeVault functions via an Antenna Tree, a backup of your FTM tree. This comes in handy with trees that are not syncing to Ancestry, keeping your data safely backed up.

3. How do you log in to TreeVault?

To log into TreeVault, select the TreeVault icon in the toolbar or on the TreeVault Cloud Services server under the ‘Current’ tab in your FTM workspace. Then go through the process of logging in using your credentials.

4. How do you begin TreeVault Cloud Services?

To begin with TreeVault, choose one of your FTM trees—ideally a completed or almost completed tree—as your Source Tree. Export the data to generate a TreeVault Antenna Tree, which will update itself every time there are changes in your Source Tree in FTM 2019.

5. What does TreeVault cost?

TreeVault Cloud Services can be bought outright for a one-time price of $79.95. If you’re upgrading, you pay $59.95, and special deals sometimes reduce the upgrade cost to $49.95.

6. Is TreeVault free?

The TreeVault Connect App costs nothing to download and enables individuals to see their most recent FTM tree. But the full TreeVault Cloud Services need paid subscription for all features.

7. What is TreeVault on FTM?

TreeVault on FTM is a cloud-based product that enables you to upload a copy of your FTM tree, even if it is not synced with Ancestry. This product offers other features such as Change Logs and Web Links to track changes and references.

8. How do you use the TreeVault Antenna Tree?

The TreeVault Antenna Tree updates automatically every time you change your tree in FTM 2019 on your PC or Mac. This guarantees you always work with a current version of your family history, which can be restored in the event of a system crash. You can also access your family tree at any time and from any location.


TreeVault Cloud Services is a great utility for FTM users wishing to have a safe, accessible, and up-to-date backup of family trees. As a protection against data loss, or as an easy means to look at your genealogy, TreeVault provides worthwhile features to the family history researcher. With reasonable prices and automatic updating, it’s an essential resource for serious genealogists.

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If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Family Tree Makers Support at +1-315-407-1913. Our professional team is on hand 24/7 to help you. Alternatively, you can use our Live Chat Support for immediate assistance at any time!

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